Scientific degrees
- 18.09.2012 – Ph.D. in mathematics
Institute of Mathematics, University of Silesia, Katowice
Doctoral dissertation: Almost orthogonally additive functions
Supervisor: Prof. dr hab. Karol Baron - 2007 – M.Sc. in mathematics
Institute of Mathematics, University of Silesia, Katowice
Master of Science thesis: Orthogonally additive functions modulo a discrete subgroup
Supervisor: Prof. dr hab. Karol Baron
1. Orthogonally additive functions modulo a discrete subgroup, Aeqationes Mathematicae 78 (2009), 63–69.
2. Measurable orthogonally additive functions modulo a discrete subgroup, Acta Mathematica Hungarica 123 (2009), 239–248 (Co-author: Tomasz Kochanek).
3. Orthogonally Pexider functions modulo a discrete subgroup, Annales Mathematicae Silesianae 26 (2012), 93–100.
4. Almost orthogonally additive functions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 400 (2013), 1–14 (Co-author: Tomasz Kochanek).
Scientific interests
Real analysis, functional equations.